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Land for lease in Bali

land for sale in Bali
Disewakan sepetak tanah di BALI

You are new in Bali island of Indonesia? And You need a place to a place of business or villa residence? Has rented a plot of land on the right on the edge of the road ..strategic location, just 10 minutes of tourist attractions in Tanah lots and 30 minutes from Ngurah Rai International Airport.This land right on the edge of the road, suitable for the business and also for the villa residence suitable for being on the edge of ricefields.Location of this land is also close to the location of luxury residential GreenLOT residence. .
land for sale in Bali
lokasi tanah sangat strategis pinggir jalan raya KUTA-TanahLOT
a very strategic location on the edge of the highway kuta - tanahlot, with views of vast rice fields extend wrote on the back and the 8-meter wide road in front of.this
location continues to grow, so it is also suitable for your business.
Below are some satellite photo with the 3 markers each
  • 1. Location of land .
  • 2 Greenlot residence location and
  • 3 locations Tanahlot tourist attractions.
land for sale in Bali land for sale in Bali land for sale in Bali land for sale in Bali land for sale in Bali land for sale in Bali land for sale in Bali land for sale in Bali Lihat Peta Lebih Besar KLICK [+] UNTUK ZOOM IN & [-] UNTUK ZOOM OUT
  • 1.Lokasi tanah yang disewakan
  • perumahan elit Greenlot Residence
  • 10 menit dari obyek wisata tanah lot dan 30 menit dari bandar udara internasional ngurah rai.
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thankyou and terimakasih . . .

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